About the Foundation for the Support of Interventional Cardiology

Our goal is to support all interventional cardiology activities in Poland. We intend to stimulate the development of this field of medicine by organizing trainings, thematic workshops and symposia, conducting training courses for interventional cardiologists and those who would like to devote this specialty. We also want to support the scientific activity of interventional cardiology.

1. About the Foundation

The Foundation was founded on August 25, 2004 by Professor Med. Robert Gil, MD, Ph.D, FESC and Professor Adam Witkowski, MD, Ph.D, FESC. 

2. The goal of the Foundation

TEXT ANG 1. Zwiększanie dostępności i skuteczności leczenia w Polsce chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego oraz wprowadzanie najbardziej nowoczesnych metod diagnostyki i terapii tym zakresie.

2. Zmniejszanie śmiertelności, jak również ograniczanie skali inwalidztwa oraz jego skutków, spowodowanych przez choroby układu sercowo-naczyniowego, a przede wszystkim przez chorobę niedokrwienną serca i udary do centralnego układu nerwowego.

Powyższe cele Fundacja realizuje poprzez inicjowanie i wspieranie:
– działalności klinik oraz oddziałów kardiologii inwazyjnej i interwencyjnej oraz pracowni kardioangiograficznych i naczyniowych na terenie kraju, w tym m.in. poprzez udostępnianie nowoczesnego sprzętu i aparatury medycznej,
– badań naukowych w zakresie kardiologii i technik endowaskularnych oraz dziedzin pokrewnych
– konkursów na prace naukowe z zakresu kardiologii, technik endowaskularnych i techniki medycznej,
– działalności stypendialnej.

Fundacja realizuje cele statutowe także poprzez współpracę z krajowymi i zagranicznymi podmiotami, a szczególności:
– Instytucjami naukowymi, agencjami rządowymi, innymi fundacjami,
– Podmiotami gospodarczymi – firmami farmaceutycznymi, firmami produkującymi sprzęt na potrzeby zabiegów kardiologii interwencyjnej i medycyny endowaskularnej,
– Wybitnymi ekspertami i uznanymi autorytetami w zakresie kardiologii interwencyjnej, medycyny endowaskularnej i kardiochirurgii.

3. Board of the FSIC

Foundation’s Council:
1. Jan Kowalski
2. Janina Kowalska

Foundation’s management:
1. Professor Robert Julian Gil, MD, Ph.D, FESC
2. Professor Adam Witkowski, MD, Ph.D, FESC



Professor Robert Julian Gil, MD, Ph.D., a graduate of the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin has been the head of the Department of Invasive Cardiology of the Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration (MSWiA) in Warsaw, one of the most efficient centres of Interventional Cardiology in Poland since 2001. In 1997-2004 he was the Chair of the Invasive Cardiology Section (Working Group) of the Polish Cardiac Society, and a member of its Board (as a past president) for the next 3 years. Since 2001 he has been in the Expert Team handling accreditation in cardiology appointed by the Polish Minister of Health. Since 2002 he has been a Consultant of Healthcare for the Ministry of the Interior and Administration in the field of cardiology.

His scientific interests include mostly the evaluation of atherosclerotic plaque, coronary stenosis, diagnostics and treatment of complex lesions, including bifurcation lesions. He is also interested in the use of percutaneous revascularisation in acute coronary syndromes. For many years he has participated in international clinical studies evaluating medicines and devices supporting coronary angioplasty.

His achievements include over 200 publications in peer-reviewed journals, out of which more than 60 were published in foreign journals (IF close to 200). Moreover, he co-authored 30 chapters of books on interventional cardiology and more than 300 convention reports, out of which more than 100 were presented at prestigious international conventions on clinical electrophysiology and invasive cardiology. Since 2005 he has been a research fellow in the Mossakowski Medical Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. In June 2013 he was appointed as professor in that Institution.

He initiated annual National Workshops on Interventional Cardiology, which after 5 editions in Szczecin were moved to Warsaw as the Warsaw Course on Cardiovascular Interventions. Their 19th edition is planned for April 2015.

He co-authored the guidelines of the Invasive Cardiology Section of the Polish Cardiac Society concerning Invasive Cardiology.

Since 2007 he has been a member of the exclusive European Bifurcation Club handling the questions of diagnostics and treatment of bifurcation lesions.

Since 1994 he has been a scientific reviewer of monthly Kardiologia Polska, since 1998 – Folia Cardiologica (currently Cardiology Journal), and since 2000 – Polski Przegląd Kardiologiczny. In all of these magazines he is a member of Editorial Boards, and in Kardiologia Polska was the editor of column “Angiogram of the month”. Since 2009 he has regularly reviewed papers sent by to the American Journal of Cardiology, EuroIntervention, Journal of Interventional Cardiology and Circulation.

In 1999 he was appointed as the editor-in-chief of the Invasive Cardiology journal and is performing these functions up till today.

Since 1999 he has been active in the Working Group on coronary circulation of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), which in September 2006 transformed into the European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI). In 2009 he was assigned to its Grant Committee. In June 2000 he was awarded a prestigious title of the Fellow of European Society of Cardiology. Since 2001 he has been regularly invited to actively participate (Faculty member) in such prestigious Congresses and Workshops of Interventional Cardiology as: EuroPCR, TCT, TCT Russia, ICI in Tel Aviv, European Bifurcation Club meetings and many national congresses.




General Cardiology & Haemodynamics Dept., Institute of Cardiology,
42 Alpejska St., 04-628 Warsaw, Poland

Phone: +48 22 812 41 64
Fax: +48 22 34 34 506
E-mail: witkowski@hbz.pl

Born: Poznań, Poland Aug 1st, 1958
Education: Warsaw Medical Academy 1976- 83

Proffessional training:
six weeks of elective training at the Division of Cardiology, University of Maryland Hospital, USA, 1980
Internship, Medicine and Surgery 1983-84
1st degree – Internal Medicine 1986
two weeks of elective training at the Haemodynamics Division, University Vaudois Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1989
6th Course in Interventional Cardiology, Geneva, Switzerland, 1989
2nd degree – Internal Medicine 1990
Doctor of Philosophy 1993
Fellowship in Cardiology 1996
Habilitation 2001 (postdoctoral lecturing qualification)
Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology 2003

Post held:
Assistant and Senior Assistant, Haemodynamics&General Cardiology Dept., Institute of Cardiology, Warsaw, Poland 1983-93
Assistant Professor, Heamodynamics &General Cardiology Dept., Institute of Cardiology, Warsaw, Poland, 1993
Deputy Director, Haemodynamics Dept., Institute of Cardiology, Warsaw, Poland, 1998
Associate Professor, Haemodynamics Dept., Institute of Cardiology, Warsaw, Poland, 2001
Chairmen, Working Group on Interventional, Cardiology of the Polish Cardiac Society 2004-7

Primary Investigator, CAPE, Pfizer 1990-92
Co-Investigator, GITS Verapamil, Lorex Pharmaceuticals, USA 1992-93
Co-Investigator, MATTIS, Sanofi Winthrop, 1996
Co-Investigator, EXCITE, Searle 1998
Primary Investigator, Tirofiban Study, MSD 1998
Primary lnvestigator, ICARUS – 1+2, 1999 Medtronic
Primar Investigator, Race-Car, Medtronic 1999
Co-lnvestigator, ADVANCE, Boston Scientific 1999
Primary Investigator, PRESTO, S-KB 2000
Primary Investigator, VISION, Guidant 2001
Co-Investigator, Taxus II, Boston Scientific 2001
Co-Investigator, Euroinject-One 2002
Co-Investigator, Taxus VI, Boston Scientific 2002
Co-Investigator, Agent-4, Schering 2002
Co-Investigator, ARTS II, J&J-Cordis 2003
Co-Investigator, ENDEAVOR II, Medtronic 2004
Primary Investigator, FREEDOM 2006
Primary Investigator, HORIZONS 2006
Co-Investigator, SYNTAX 2006

Special interest In Cardiology:
Coronary Interventions (PTCA, DCA, TEC, Stenting, HOCM ablation, Brachytherapy)

Research Work:
Systolic and Diastolic Performance of the Left Ventricle
Stunned and Hibernating Myocardium
Perfusion Balloon Catheters
Coronary Stenting
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Coronary Brachytherapy
Acute coronary syndrome

Awards of the Polish Cardiac Society 1995, 2001

Faculty member:
ESC Congresses, EuroPCR

4. Statute of the FSIC

TEXT ANG tekst jednolity na dzień ???????

§ 1.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas placerat mi at orci rutrum rhoncus. Donec et fringilla nisl. Phasellus congue sem quis porttitor ultrices. In rhoncus diam vitae nibh accumsan, vel ullamcorper quam ornare. Donec vestibulum sed odio nec dapibus. Nunc malesuada, massa fringilla tincidunt egestas, augue sapien interdum magna, eu gravida nibh purus ut dolor. Nulla interdum viverra consequat.

§ 2.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas placerat mi at orci rutrum rhoncus. Donec et fringilla nisl. Phasellus congue sem quis porttitor ultrices. In rhoncus diam vitae nibh accumsan, vel ullamcorper quam ornare. Donec vestibulum sed odio nec dapibus. Nunc

§ 3.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas placerat mi at orci rutrum rhoncus. Donec et fringilla nisl. Phasellus congue sem quis porttitor ultrices. In rhoncus diam vitae nibh accumsan, vel ullamcorper quam ornare. Donec vestibulum sed odio nec dapibus. Nunc malesuada, massa fringilla tincidunt egestas, augue sapien interdum magna, eu gravida nibh purus ut dolor. Nulla interdum viverra consequat. In auctor volutpat massa quis dictum. Curabitur vel ligula turpis. Cras id magna in arcu vehicula varius. Quisque vulputate, eros quis pharetra

5. Reports of the FSIC

The Reports of the Foundation for the Support of Interventional Cardiology are available at the headquarters of the Foundation.

6. Our achievements


For 22 years we have been organizing WCCI – Warsaw Course on Cardiovascular Interventions, which is one of the most important conferences organized under the auspices of the Association of Cardiovascular Interventions (AISN) of the Polish Cardiac Society. It collects cardiologists, interventional cardiologists, cardiac surgeons and specialists from around the world. Multimedia presentations, simultaneous conferences and interactive practical workshops organized by the Foundation for Supporting Interventional Cardiology are held under the patronage of the Invasive Cardiology Clinic of the CSK MSWiA and the Interventional Cardiology and Intervention Angiology Institute of the Cardiology Institute in Warsaw.

More: www.wcci.pl/en